LCA Hukilau
- 7:00 - 9:00 am Hukilau Beach
- The Laie Community Association is sponsoring a traditional Hawaiian hukilau in honor of the Church and community tradition (1948 - 1972) that helped establish the viability of the Polynesian Cultural Center.
alumni show rehearsal
- 8:00 am Pacific Theater (Silver group)
- Regenerate your energy and motions in preparation for a once in a lifetime Alumni performance on Friday evening.
alumni hospitality room at the byuh mckay foyer
- 11:o0 am - 5:00 pm BYU–Hawaii Career and Alumni Services will host a Hospitality Room for all PCC alumni in the BYUH McKay Foyer classroom. This will be a great opportunity for alumni to reconnect, share, update, or just hang out and relax between scheduled events. (Light snacks and ice water will be provided.)
alumni show rehearsal
- 12:00 pm Pacific Theater (Gold group)
alumni luau
- 4:00 pm Gateway, Hale Aloha, Hale Ohana
- Join the alumni and special guests in the Gateway Restaurant, Hale Aloha and Hale Ohana venues. (Tickets required: Seating is assigned to the respective venues in the order of ticket purchase.)
golden alumni show
- 6:00 pm Pacific Theater
- Relive the thrill of performing songs and dances of Polynesia in a PCC night show with your fellow co-workers from 1963 to 1987. (People with special seating needs, such as those with wheelchairs, should contact the Box Office. We ask the audience to please clear the Pacific Theater as quickly as possible at the end of the show.)
silver alumni show
- 8:00 pm Pacific Theater
- Relive the thrill of performing songs and dances of Polynesia in a PCC night show with your fellow co-workers from 1988 to 2013 (people with special seating needs, such as those with wheelchairs, should contact the Box Office.)